General conditions and privacy policy

UNLOQ’s general terms and privacy terms apply to iRobin, below are additional specific terms and privacy terms relating to the use of iRobin.

What is iRobin?

iRobin is a digital e-coach that uses so-called generative AI. This enables a dynamic and personalized human-machine conversation. iRobin is a ‘proof of concept’ and research project provided by UNLOQ. iRobin is based on the UNLOQ coaching method, UNLOQ behavioural change model, and is powered by OpenAI. 

Data processing

iRobin’s AI process requires individual content. UNLOQ acts as data controller. We take our responsibility to protect your data and privacy very seriously. UNLOQ is ISO 27001 certified, and we use SSL-encrypted connections to ensure maximum data security. You agree that UNLOQ may process the information you exchange with iRobin, which may include particularly sensitive data (if you share any), for the purposes of AI training and product improvement. Within the iRobin environment, like all other UNLOQ services, data is processed and hosted at TRUE. This hosting party is also ISO 27001 certified and fully GDPR compliant (e.g. data is hosted in the Netherlands/Europe).

Data retention

You can delete all your dialogue messages within your own iRobin environment at any time. Also, you can revoke your consent and delete your entire account with just 1 click. In any other situation, your data within the iRobin environment (as in other UNLOQ applications) will be automatically deleted after 2 years.

All dialogue data communicated with OpenAI is only sent anonymously so no personal information is linked to your person, unless you make such a link yourself (for example, by mentioning your (real) name or hometown in a dialogue message). We would strongly recommend against sharing identifiable information via dialogue messages because once they are shared with OpenAI, they cannot be removed.

Account data

In order to use iRobin, you must first register. This requires that you provide your name (or nicke name), mail address and password to set up and verify an account. This data will not be disclosed to OpenAI, nor will other identifiable data such as your IP address.

Acceptable Use Policy

You decide what information and questions you confront iRobin with. UNLOQ does not monitor the content of iRobin. UNLOQ has no responsibility for any information created, uploaded, stored, maintained, transmitted, or made accessible on or through iRobin. However, there are restrictions on what you can post in the dialogue with iRobin, the following things are explicitly not allowed:

  • pass on your login credentials to someone else;
  • communicate in any way that breaches any applicable local, national or international law or regulation;
  • communicate in any way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;
  • communicate in a way that is discriminatory, racist, sexist, offensive, obscene, hateful or inflammatory or effect;
  • using iRobin for the purpose of harming or attempting to harm others in any way;
  • to knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any material that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, keystroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.
  • to send, knowingly receive, upload, download, use or re-use any illegal material or unauthorised advertising;
  • publish or otherwise make publicly available (including on social media) any UNLOQ content without prior express written permission by UNLOQ;

UNLOQ may take appropriate measures with regard to you if there are specific indications that you violated our Acceptable Use Policy.


iRobin is a ‘proof of concept’ and not a real human coach. Due to communication with OpenAI, iRobin may occasionally provide incorrect or misleading information. iRobin should therefore not be regarded as a professional coach or any other authority. Following tips, advice or using information is therefore your own responsibility. You agree to indemnify UNLOQ against all claims, damages, losses, costs, or expenses and any other liability which arises from your using iRobin.

iRobin is part of UNLOQ and is located in Tilburg, Stationsstraat 24-01, 5038 ED Tilburg, the Netherlands registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number: 55050727. We have also concluded a data processing agreement with TRUE (IT-hosting), Keienbergweg 100, 1101 GH, Amsterdam, Netherlands and a Data Processing Addendum (incorporating the EU standard contractual clauses) with OpenAI, L.L.C., 3180 18th St, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA.
